How To Get Referrals - 7 Ideas For New Business Owners Just Starting Up
Referrals are one of the very best ways to grow your business. Asking for a referral is the tricky part. Especially when you're just starting up your business. Here are seven new business referral ideas to get you started. Referrals are one of the very best ways to grow your business. But how about when you're just starting out? Will getting referrals help you grow your start up? Yes indeed. However, asking for a referral is the tricky part. How do you ask? Whom do you ask? Especially when you're just starting up your business. It's not easy getting referrals when you're just starting out. That's because most people asking for referrals fail to keep these two things in mind: First, think about this from the viewpoint of the people thinking about referring clients to you. They are all asking the same question: "Why on earth should I send you a referral?" Sure, they can see it would be of value to you and your business if they refer someone to you. ...