
Showing posts from December, 2015

How To Get Referrals - 7 Ideas For New Business Owners Just Starting Up

Referrals are one of the very best ways to grow your business. Asking for a referral is the tricky part. Especially when you're just starting up your business. Here are seven new business referral ideas to get you started. Referrals are one of the very best ways to grow your business. But how about when you're just starting out? Will getting referrals help you grow your start up? Yes indeed. However, asking for a referral is the tricky part. How do you ask? Whom do you ask? Especially when you're just starting up your business. It's not easy getting referrals when you're just starting out. That's because most people asking for referrals fail to keep these two things in mind: First, think about this from the viewpoint of the people thinking about referring clients to you. They are all asking the same question: "Why on earth should I send you a referral?" Sure, they can see it would be of value to you and your business if they refer someone to you. ...

Ten Shocking Facts About Forex Trading Mistakes

Have you ever wondered why is it that very few traders succeed in the forex trading market while 90% of forex traders fail to achieve success? Below are 10 major reasons: 1. Looking for Easy and Quick Money I have to stress that foreign currency trading is not a get rich quick scheme. Achieving consistent profitable results out of forex trading is tough. It requires some forex education, patience, discipline, emotion control, etc. to get you into the world of successful currency trading. 2. Looking for the Holy Grail I have people asked me, "What is the best forex trading system around?" There isn't such trading systems in currency trading. Many forex traders spend years trying to find the Holy Grail of foreign exchange trading, but failed to find one. The main reason is the forex market changes every single moment. 3. Inadequate Right Education One of the reasons forex traders fail is because they don't have enough right education. Some people who came into forex tra...

Forex Pip: How To Maximize Pips And Minimize Losses

A Forex Pip is the measure of success or loss in Forex trading. Find out how to maximize pips (and profits) while minimizing risk in Forex trading. As you'll soon learn, the Forex pip can be your best friend or worst enemy. First, we'll go over what a Forex pip is exactly. Then I'll discuss what you can do to maximize pips, and your profits, while simultaneously minimizing your losses. What Is A Forex Pip? First thing first. What exactly is a pip? Pip stands for "percentage in point" and is the smallest price increment in forex trading. Since most major currency pairs (the Japanese Yen being an exception), are priced to 4 decimal places, the smallest change would be reflected in the last decimal point. Basically, the Forex pip is the measuring stick for gains or losses when trading currency. Let's look at an example to get a deeper understanding of this. A currency pair of EUR/USD might be bid at 1.1815 and later offered at 1.1820. This is a spread of 5 pips. ...

Forex Trading Checklist - Answer These 3 Questions Before You Can Make Money Online

Do you already know the basics in forex trading when you get into it? Those basics are the necessity if you want to win in forex. Otherwise your forex investment may down the drain. A lot of forex traders who failed in trading all the time is because they lack of planning. That's the primary homework that all traders must do. Without any planning, you will probably unable to see what and why you are trading. Below are some of the forex tips and 3 important questions you need to answer yourself if you really want to succeed and make money online. 1. What skill level are you in? If you are a beginner in forex trading, then you might want to take a step at a time. Do not rush to trade because a good forex strategy is always using probabilities. In the first place you should know that in currency trading business, there are no certainties, only analysis and judgment no matter what kind of forex trading systems you are using. Professional traders are good in high probability trades by u...

Successful Trading – Establish Your Risk Level

Before you embark upon a journey of trading stocks or futures, and before you make any trades, you MUST determine and establish your risk level. Traders that fail to do this are usually doomed from the start. The fact is that most trading accounts that go bust are because of the failure to determine at what point the trader will cut their losses and move on to the next trade. Rookie traders are particularly prone to do this. They hang on to losing positions hoping that they will turn around – only to watch the price drop even further. Too much thought and effort are expended on the buying decision instead of the selling decision. The sad truth is that it’s the selling decision that will determine your fate as a successful trader. And successful trading is dependent on how long and how well you can protect your account against loss until the big profit comes your way. Setting a risk level for your account and for your trades will provide such protection. If you’re like everyone else, yo...

Online Trading: Determine Your Risk Tolerance

Each individual has a risk tolerance that should not be ignored. Any good  trader or financial planner knows this, and they should make the effort to help you determine what your risk tolerance is. Then, they should work with you to find investments that do not exceed your risk tolerance. What is risk tolerance? Risk tolerance is the degree of variability in investment returns that an investor is willing to withstand. Risk tolerance is an important component in investing. Each individual has a risk tolerance that should not be ignored. Any good trader or financial planner knows this, and they should make the effort to help you determine what your risk tolerance is. Then, they should work with you to find investments that do not exceed your risk tolerance. Determining one’s risk tolerance involves several different things. First, you need to know how much money you have to invest, and what your investment and financial goals are. For instance, if you plan to retire in ten years, and you...

How to Get Started Trading Currencies

Many futures and stock traders are aware of the excitement surrounding the currency market. However, because foreign exchange trading was until only recently limited to multinational corporations, money-center banks, and the largest investment firms, forex remains a new and unfamiliar market to many self-directed, retail traders. As a consequence, despite the undeniable advantages that the forex market offers, some online traders are no doubt apprehensive and reluctant to participate. With the passage of time, the benefits will undoubtedly become more widely known and better understood, and more traders will almost certainly migrate from the equity and futures markets. In the meantime, interested traders can take steps to bring themselves up to speed and learn more about this exciting market. Take a Currency Trading Course Almost all forex trading courses available today fall into the self-study or seminar categories. Both have important strengths and weaknesses. The self-study camp is...

Forex Trading - Should You Invest?

Forex trading is all about putting your money into other currencies, so you can gain the interest for the night, for time period or the difference in trading money all around. Forex trading does involve other assets along with money, but because you are investing in other countries and in other businesses that are dealing in other currencies the basis for the money you make or lose will be based on the trading of money. What is investing in forex? The foreign exchange market, also called the currency market or forex (FX), is the world's largest financial market, accounting for more than $4 trillion average traded value each day. ... Forex. The Forex market is a 24-hour cash (spot) market where currency pairs, such as the Euro/US dollar (EUR/USD) pair, are traded. Constant trading is done in the forex markets as time zones will vary and the markets will open in one country while another is near closing. What happens in one market will have an effect on the other countries forex mark...